NSF upsize its headquarter and shifted to the Naga Unity Park in Kohima


The Naga Students Federation (NSF) on Wednesday shifted its headquarters from the Naga Club Building to the Naga Unity Park in Kohima, Nagaland.

This comes after the Angami Public Organization (APO) and Kohima Village Council (KVC) on December 31 ordered the students union to vacate the building. According to the APO and KVC, this is a Naga-owned and official house. The club is maintained, maintained and used as an office by NSF.

“Currently located at the Naga House in Kohima, the Naga Club has been in existence for many years and is a symbol of the strength and tradition of the Naga people and has witnessed many changes in history, including the Naga Referendum on May 16, 1951 .Odyssey Our people have faced many challenges, costly sacrifices, and difficult decisions along the way. It was in one of these crucial years that the Naga Students Association came forward to inherit and protect this symbol of Naga heritage which, despite its age, still stands strong, inheriting the legacy of the late Vezoli The legacy of rulers such as Vizolie Sorhie and other holders. . . NSF said.

According to the student body, in 1983, when the late Vizolie Sorhie became the President of NSF, he and his group were invited by the Naga Club and Congress Elder Naga to take over the Naga Club house. By the Ministry of Forestry..

Later, NSF went to Sorhie, late Mechimvu Ritse Financial Secretary NSF, Neingulo Krome Member – NSF Working Committee and Kewezu G Kenya, Chairman ANCSU in April 1983 after going to open the lock and enter the Naga Club building Neivor Rutsa sent a vehicle with registration number NLT-309 to help the NSF office relocate to the Naga Club building.

It was agreed, he said, on a “mutual understanding” that the house would remain at the Naga Club and that the National Science Foundation would be responsible for the care and management of the house as the situation so warranted.

The NSF states that the Angami Public Organization will continue to serve as the guardians of the Naga Club until the dispute involving all Nagas is brought to an honorable end.

“In the spirit of unity and commitment to the welfare of the Naga people, the NSF wishes to reach a unanimous decision that will protect the legacy of the Naga Club and promote the common interests and heritage of the entire Naga community,” the student body added road.

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