NSCN-K warn evil forces to leave Nagaland within 3 days who are propagating in Naga inhabited areas


NSCN-K (Niki) has set a three-day deadline for “non-locals who have come from elsewhere to propagate and encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ)” to leave Naga-inhabited areas, in the interest of safeguarding the society.

Nagas, as Christians, would not tolerate the non-locals coming from elsewhere trying to destroy the fabric of the society.Such evil forces trying to destroy the existence of the society, and also educate and counsel the younger generation who were potentially vulnerable to such bad influences.
According to NSCN (k), cultures and practices of the outside world had time and again attempted to influence the Naga society by promoting unhealthy behavior, unrighteous and unethical ways of life that contradicted the moral, cultural and religious values of Naga people.

The group, which was alien to the Naga society and something that was never heard of among the Naga people, was trying make a foothold in the Naga society to corrupt and tow away the minds of Naga people, especially the younger generation, from their cultural and religious beliefs.

It said the intent of evil was and ever had been to deceive and to get someone to call it good. Pointing out that it was not only posing a serious threat to the moral ethics of the Nagas but also against the teachings of Christianity, the NSCN/GPRN declared that it would not be blinded and allow external elements to replace traditional and religious values with unrighteous and unethical ways of life.

Evil Forces (non-local culprits) are trying to break us down by Destroying Our Cultural values, Dignity, Society. People of Nagaland sacrifices their life for dignity.

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